We can bear your burden.

If you are a Yoga professional, chances are that you are experiencing the tough and discouraging side of your wonderful job: however brilliant your next course is going to be, it's hard to take care of all the planning and preparing, find and rent the perfect location, address the right audience, take care of individual needs and particular requests, and last but not least - manage contacts, subscriptions and payments.

This is where we jump in.

You can affiliate to the MO Yoga Trainer network and let us take care of everything, from logistics to catering and banking, while you only focus on your mission and stay true to your original vision of the sacred discipline that we all cherish.

So, let's get to meet!

We kindly ask you to fill a simple interview, allowing us to put you in touch with the right person, and start what we hope is going to be a long lasting and satisfying cooperation.